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iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways : Inaugural flight Cap-Haitien/Miami
06/10/2023 09:44:25

iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways : Inaugural flight Cap-Haitien/Miami
Ms. Judith Nazareth Auguste, Minister of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE), took part, Tuesday, October 3, 2023, in the inaugural flight of the private Haitian airline Sunrise Airways based in Port-au-Prince, whose head office is located in Haiti, providing the Cap-Haitien / Miami route https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40657-haiti-news-zapping.html

With this launch of Sunrise airline flights to Miami, our compatriots in the Diaspora will have an easier time traveling to Miami, Florida, in the United States from Cap-Haïtien if necessary and in return our diaspora will now be served on this new air circuit to return home, live the experience and adventure that promote the heritage, historical, ecological, cultural and tourist city of Cap-Haïtien as well as the surrounding areas of the region.

MHAVE thanks Sunrise and its operator Explore Caribbean for making this flight available to local communities and the diaspora. This development is a major asset in the face of the difficulties often encountered in the cost of journeys, the prices of which are not always within the reach of travelers.

As part of the inauguration of this new route, a cocktail was offered at the Cap International Airport by the Cap-Haitien Town Hall with the support of the Northern Destination Management Organization (OGDNH), the Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIN) and the National Airport Authority (AAN) under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism.

Highly applauded by the private sector and the tourism stakeholders present at this cocktail, declared that this flight to Miami represents a very great opportunity for the economy of the Northern region and for Tourism in particular.

IH/ S/ iciHaiti

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