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iciHaiti - International Force : The USA seeks to have $100M approved by Congress
05/10/2023 09:23:08

iciHaiti - International Force : The USA seeks to have $100M approved by Congress
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, America's top diplomat, said earlier this week that he intended to work with Congress to secure the promised $100 million in foreign aid to support the armed intervention in Haiti approved by the UN Security Council https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40642-haiti-flash-the-security-council-approves-the-intervention-of-a-multinational-force-in-haiti.html

Blinken announced that the Pentagon will also provide up to an additional $100 million in in-kind support (intelligence services, air transport, communications and medical support, etc.)

"We continue to call on the international community to also provide funds, equipment, training and personnel to support a truly multinational effort," Blinken added

He recalled that this international force responds to Haiti's request for support to address the situation of insecurity and generate the security conditions necessary for long-term stability and growth.

"While this action represents an important step forward, the United States renews its urgent call on political actors, including Prime Minister Ariel Henry and members of the opposition, to broaden consensus and restore democratic order in Haiti,"
    Blinken concluded.

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