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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Arrest of a police officer, right arm of the gang leader «Krisla»
02/10/2023 07:09:33

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Arrest of a police officer, right arm of the gang leader «Krisla»
Sunday October 1qt, 2023, police officer Cleevens Degazon (37 years old) alias "My man", known as the right arm of the gang leader "Krisla", was arrested at the Cap-Haitien International Airport, by members of the Office for the Fight against Drug Trafficking (BLTS - North) following information received from a confidential source.

Cleevens Degazon was registered on a Sunrise Airways flight to Miami as part of the Biden administration's Conditional Stay Program https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38566-haiti-flash-new-us-entry-program-for-haitian-migrants-conditions-and-steps-to-follow.html

Degazon was actively sought by the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police, after refusing to appear for several summons, for assassination, criminal conspiracy and attacks perpetrated against Coast Guard infrastructure in Bizoton

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