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iciHaiti - PNH : The police continue their operations in Saut d'Eau and Mirebalais
30/09/2023 09:37:09

iciHaiti - PNH : The police continue their operations in Saut d'Eau and Mirebalais
In order to facilitate the normal resumption of activities in the municipalities of Saut d'Eau and Mirebalais, the National Police are continuing their operations and strengthening police patrols.

Among the specialized units, the High Command of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) deployed SWAT, the Intervention and Research Brigade (BRI) of the West Department as reinforcements to the Police in the Central Department.

Friday September 29, 2023, the police also carried out foot patrols in different streets of the town of Saut d'Eau, and continue to develop strategies to carry out operations with a view to arresting and putting under surveillance controls all bandits who seek to sow trouble among the civilian population.


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