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iciHaiti - Santiago : The Consulate calls on compatriots to exercise caution
29/09/2023 09:51:59

iciHaiti - Santiago : The Consulate calls on compatriots to exercise caution
The Consulate of Santiago salutes all Haitians living in the Cibao area (Dominican Republic) and takes the opportunity to express its solidarity with all Haitians who are going through a difficult period in the crisis imposed by the two States of the island.

While waiting for the two parties to sit down together to find a solution that can allow the situation to return to normal, the Consulate asks compatriots to be very careful, not to be taken in by provocation so as not to become victims during the crisis period.

The Consulate will always be available to help as much as possible each compatriot who finds himself in a difficult situation.

The Consulate takes this opportunity to apologize to all Haitians who have not yet been able to receive their passports. Unfortunately, the Consulate is unable to meet this need today due to a technical problem with the passport production equipment in Washington which prevented Washington (the main passport printing center) from print passports for more than 2 months.

While many efforts are being made to resolve the problem, the Consulate asks the Haitian community in the Cibao region to continue to be patient so that we can provide them with the documents. The Consulate apologizes to the community and takes the opportunity to thank them for their understanding while continuing to ask for caution during this period of crisis so that they are not victims of the Dominican authorities.

IH/ iciHaiti

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