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iciHaiti - History : Jean Jacques Dessalines, the military genius
21/09/2023 10:17:18

iciHaiti - History : Jean Jacques Dessalines, the military genius
As part of the celebration of the 265th birth anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Emmelie Prophète Milcé, the Minister of Culture salutes the memory of the General in Chief of the Indigenous Army, born into slavery, on September 20, 1758 and crowned Emperor, October 8, 1804.

On this memorable day the Ministry remembers his bravery and his commitment to the conquest, in blood, of the independence of the first Black Republic in the world.

"Victory military leader of Bonaparte's troops, implacable leader of one of the first wars of decolonization, Father of Haiti's independence, Jean-Jacques Dessalines embodies resistance and strength of character. Emperor James 1st remains in the collective unconscious of Haitians as the liberator of the Nation, the military genius par excellence."

Minister Emmelie Prophète Milcé emphasizes that the celebration of this date is a reminder to all Haitians, all political beliefs, of the nobility of great compromises between brothers and sisters linked by a common destiny.

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