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iciHaiti - Diaspora : 75th birthday of Raymond Laurent
17/09/2023 09:57:51

iciHaiti - Diaspora : 75th birthday of Raymond Laurent
On the occasion of the celebration of the 75th birth anniversary of renowned Haitian radio journalist Raymond Laurent, recipient of the 2023 Dynasty Prize https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-39208-icihaiti-quebec-the-haitian-journalist-raymond-laurent-grand-prix-dynastie-2023.html and host of the show "Samedi midi Inter" on CKUT 90.3 FM, Lesly Condé, former consul of Chicago united his voice with that of a Haitian community satisfied, proud and grateful, to accompany this very friendly character who, for more than 35 years, has faithfully and voluntarily accompanied his compatriots in the Haitian community of Montreal, thus making every Saturday noon a very special moment for the majority of Haitian households.

"[...] To be a member of the vibrant Haitian community of Montreal before the very first broadcasts of 'Samedi midi Inter', I greatly appreciate the opportunity to pay a personal tribute to this icon that I have always admired and respected.

I know Raymond's patience, perseverance and inexhaustible wisdom with Samedi Midi Inter, there is always room for optimism. Above all, there is room for healthy, intelligent and respectful dialogue. This is a winning formula for our community and our country of origin [...]

In closing, I offer my humble congratulations to Raymond Laurent. I know that my voice is that of an entire community when I wish continued success to Raymond and to the Samedi Midi Inter show. Their success is also that of our proud community.

Thank you Raymond for everything you gave us !"
Lesy Condé

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