Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Montecristi : A Haitian arrested for his disrespectful remarks towards Abinader (Video)
16/09/2023 10:00:00

iciHaiti - Montecristi : A Haitian arrested for his disrespectful remarks towards Abinader (Video)
Thursday September 14, 2023, Jude Charles (44 years old), a Haitian in an irregular migratory situation, who expressed his lack of respect towards Dominican President Luis Abinader, on the Tik Tok network, has been arrested in the Santa Lucía sector, in the municipality of Las Matas de Santa Cruz, (prov. Montecristi)

Jude Charles, was located by prevention and investigation agents of the Dominican National Police, after monitoring and tracing the account @charlesjude17, by agents of the Intelligence Directorate.

Jude Charles detained will be handed over to the authorities of the General Directorate of Immigration, for the corresponding legal purposes.

S/ iciHaiti

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