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iciHaiti - PNH : Important crackdown in Hinche
13/09/2023 09:09:55

iciHaiti - PNH : Important crackdown in Hinche
Following surveillance, the Police of the Center department carried out a major crackdown last weekend, in the town of Hinche, arresting 6 gang members including the concubine of the Jerusalem 8 gang leader, who were on board a minibus registered: TP-45866. These individuals coming from Lilavois, commune of Croix-des-Bouquets, were bound for Cap-Haïtien.

According to information available to the Hinche Police, these individuals are all active members of gangs operating in Jerusalem and Lilavois.

1- Coq Louidina (21) from Lilavois and concubine of Johnson Blanc, alias "Tizo", gang leader of Jerusalem 8;
2- Cassandra Mildor (21), from Lilavois
3- Willy Hilaire (52 ), from Nazon, driver of the minibus;
4- Richenightder Hilaire;
5- Junior Lafleur, originally from Nazon, has close ties with gang leader Johnson Blanc and lives with him;
6- Blanc Alex, aged 25, active member of the Jerusalem and Lilavois gang. While going to Cap-Haïtien, he wanted to go to the Dominican Republic in order to escape the various police operations carried out against the gangs.

According to the information available to the Police, they were all supposed to stay with the named Fritznel Josaphat, affiliated with the Canaan gang, who was also arrested by the Cap-Haitien Police.


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