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iciHaiti - Africa CARICOM Day : Message from PM Ariel Henry
07/09/2023 09:47:57

iciHaiti - Africa CARICOM Day : Message from PM Ariel Henry
Message from Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry :
"My dear compatriots,
Brother peoples of CARICOM and Africa,

September 7 of each year is henceforth dedicated to the celebration of Africa-CARICOM Day. I welcome this initiative, adopted during the first Africa-CARICOM Summit held in Kenya in September 2021, which aims to deepen and strengthen relations between the African continent and the Caribbean Community.

Indeed, much of what defines our Caribbean region has its roots in Africa. The two regions share a common history marked by resilience, strength and the desire to find roots lost during centuries of slavery, colonization and displacement.

As a member of CARICOM, Haiti will strive to advance the Africa-CARICOM agenda in areas of priority action of mutual interest, with a view to making a quality contribution to the establishment of solid and in this new chapter of cooperation that is opening up between the two regions.

The African continent has always occupied an important place in Haitian diplomatic action. Thus, Haiti maintains diplomatic relations with certain African countries. And we plan to implement others gradually.

I welcome the fact that the diaspora has been listed since 2003 in the Charter of the African Union as the sixth region of Africa, with the aim of encouraging the participation of people of African descent residing outside the Africa in continental affairs. From this point of view, Africa-CARICOM Day should not be a purely State activity, but should be celebrated equally by all people of African descent living in the Caribbean, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or citizenship.

Now is the time to act. Let's combine our efforts to make CARICOM and Africa regions more prosperous and more united, for the continued happiness of the peoples of our two regions.

Long live Haiti !
Long live Caricom !
Long live Africa !"

IH/ iciHaiti

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