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iciHaiti - Carrefour Feuilles : The PNH multiplies its interventions (Video)
06/09/2023 08:32:09

iciHaiti - Carrefour Feuilles : The PNH multiplies its interventions (Video)
The National Police of Haiti (PNH) continues to carry out interventions in several neighborhoods of Carrefour Feuilles to allow the population to return home and resume their activities freely.

Several specialized police units, including the SWAT, the Intervention and Research Brigade (BRI), the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (UTAGL), the Departmental Unit for Maintaining Order (UDMO) and the Corps of Intervention and Maintenance of Order (CIMO) carried out several interventions and patrols in the streets and neighborhoods in Carrefour Feuilles.

Their objective remains the same : to relentlessly fight all armed bandits who think they can terrorize the population.

Once again, the High Command of the PNH continues to seek the cooperation of the population to help the police identify all the hiding places of the bandits and to dismantle all the homes of gangs to allow the restoration of order and Peace. .

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