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iciHaiti - Economy : Resumption of bilateral commercial activities at the border post of El Carrizal
05/09/2023 09:08:55

iciHaiti - Economy : Resumption of bilateral commercial activities at the border post of El Carrizal
After several days of closure, Dominican authorities reopened the El Carrizal border crossing in Elías Piña as traders resumed bilateral trade.

Tradespeople and consumers at the border say that both countries have suffered from the closure, but they consider that the Dominican State has taken a wise step in opening the door to the revitalization of the economy and the smooth flow of trade for the benefit of both nations.

Let's recall that the Dominican authorities had to close Thursday, August 10, the Elías Piña-Carrizal crossing, on the southern border, "for security" in the face of protests on the Haitian side in the town of Belladère.

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