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iciHaiti - Politic : Simulation of parliamentary session, young people get involved
02/09/2023 09:06:28

iciHaiti - Politic : Simulation of parliamentary session, young people get involved
As part of the Forum for young people from vulnerable neighborhoods, the Haitian Youth Observatory (OJH) organized a simulation of a parliamentary session with 35 Young Parliamentarians aged 15 to 17

During this simulation, 11 resolutions were adopted on topics relating, among other things, to Health, Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, the Environment, Leisure and Gender Equality were adopted by these parliamentarians. adolescents from Bel-Air, Martissant, La Saline, Bas Delmas and the town of Cité Soleil.

These resolutions are the culmination of several months of capacity building for these young people in leadership, civic participation, peaceful conflict resolution, sexual and reproductive health, entrepreneurship, self-esteem... since June in the framework of the project: Palman Timoun Pou angajman sivik ak lapè / Parliament of Teenagers for Civic Engagement and Peace of the YEEFA program of the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF - Haiti), Organization of American States (OAS) funded by the Agency American for International Development (USAID-Haiti).

As a follow-up, an advocacy campaign around these 11 adopted resolutions will be conducted with state authorities.

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