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iciHaiti - Massacre of Canaan : «Those who died had lost their faith» dixit Pastor Marco
30/08/2023 06:57:31

iciHaiti - Massacre of Canaan : «Those who died had lost their faith» dixit Pastor Marco
Following the massacre of the faithful on Saturday August 26, 2023 at Lilavois and Rosembert https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40355-haiti-flash-a-faithful-march-against-the-canaan-gang-ended-in-a-bloodbath-video.html , Pastor Marcorel Zidor, better known as "Pastor Marco" who leads the "Eglise Piscine de Bethesda" in Caradeux and who led the march, declared on the airwaves of Mega Radio "Those who died are those who went to hide in the houses, because they had lost their faith [...] 95% of my parishioners were the targets of fire, none among them was touched."

Pastor Marco Zidor had convinced his parishioners that they could not be hurt by the bullets of the gangsters "They were determined because the Pastor had told them that they will not be shot," declared Frantz Elbé Director General a.i. of the National Police of Haiti in a press conference, adding "There was a belief in this crowd, there was a determination [...]"

On Monday, the police were still trying to recover an undetermined number of bodies of worshipers killed, but the area controlled by the bandits was inaccessible. The Center for Analysis and Research in Human Rights (CARDH) told Reuters that the number of dead worshipers could be as high as 20...

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