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iciHaiti - Politic : Closing of the 1st edition of the Feminist Summer University
28/08/2023 10:07:46

iciHaiti - Politic : Closing of the 1st edition of the Feminist Summer University
Friday, August 25, 2023, ended the first edition of the Feminist Summer University launched on August 16 by "karavàn Fanm pou chanjman" in collaboration with the Solidarity of Haitian Women Journalists (SOFEHJ) and other partners https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-40300-icihaiti-politic-launch-of-the-feminist-summer-university.html

This University was intended to be a space for research, for the transmission of knowledge around the issue of gender, but also a space for the deconstruction of sexist stereotypes.

The coordinators of this event did not hide their satisfaction for the success of this first edition. They hope that the concepts learned during these 10 days of training by about sixty young girls will strengthen their capacities and that they will make good use of them in order to defend and promote the rights of women and girls.

For her part Sofia Loreus, Minister for the Status of Women and Women's Rights did not hide her satisfaction for this project aimed at training young people on, among other things, the notion of gender, the women's movement in the world particularly the movement of Haitian women, the different currents of feminism, the typology of violence, etc...

In addition, the Minister reiterated her support for the initiators of this Summer University and said she was ready to accompany them to the end because this project comes in support of the many efforts made and the many struggles led by the Ministry to eliminate violence. towards women and girls with a view to achieving an egalitarian society, free from violence.

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