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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : A gang member fatally injured, weapons seized
27/08/2023 10:03:56

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : A gang member fatally injured, weapons seized
"Ti Budjè", thus known, was mortally wounded in exchanges of fire with the police during a police operation carried out jointly by the SDPJ and the UDMO-North, in the neighborhood of Conassa, at the eastern entrance of the city of Cap-Haitien. A 38 caliber revolver was found in his possession.

Subsequently, as part of a search of the home of "Ti Budjè" carried out in the presence of a justice of the peace of the jurisdiction, several ammunition of caliber 44mm and 5.56mm, 2 daggers, 2 knives and other materials were found and seized.

"Ti Budjè" specialized in armed robbery and is also a member of a gang operating at the Pont Neuf bus station.

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