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iciHaiti - Ecology : Drip irrigation method within everyone's reach
07/08/2023 10:01:28

iciHaiti - Ecology : Drip irrigation method within everyone's reach
Drip irrigation is both economical and environmentally friendly. It saves 70% water and avoids the waste of this important natural resource. For the development of certain crops, it is strongly recommended.

In Haiti, in some areas, water resources are very limited. Therefore, it is important to see with young people techniques that can enable them to achieve the development of their plantation in arid regions from an optimal and rational management of available water.

This is why the Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD) has allowed young people from the departments of Artibonite, North West, North East and North to experiment with a simple drip irrigation technique. with plastic bottles.

This series of training sessions of the IFDD, a subsidiary body of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), is carried out thanks to the financial support of the European Union and the Government of Quebec, with the technical support of the Observatory of Haitian Youth.

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