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Competition 2023: iciHaiti - Culture: «Youth Voices» Competition
07/08/2023 11:51:05

Competition 2023: iciHaiti - Culture: «Youth Voices» Competition
The Mental Health Unit of the Ministry of Public Health invites young Haitians aged 10 to 24 to take part in the "Youth Voices" creative competition organized by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in order to articulate their vision of the current mental health crisis in the Americas region.

The winners will receive cash prizes and their original works (created especially for the competition) will be published in PAHO's communication channels and/or in campaigns related to the issue of adolescent mental health.

Teenagers (girls and boys) between the ages of 10 and 24 from all countries and ethnic groups in the Region of the Americas can participate. Entries can be individual or in groups and in the original language of the person(s).

You have until August 17, 2023 to express your creativity

Full details on the competition: https://www.paho.org/fr/concours-2023-voix-des-jeunes-sur-sante-mentale?fbclid=IwAR3-d8tkQT4GYsngva36A9yZ8yqDBaD6g7U2eFXTzZ0bpzD-MtnJDuh6VsE

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