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iciHaiti - PNH : Arrest of 2 repeat offenders
29/07/2023 10:08:24

iciHaiti - PNH : Arrest of 2 repeat offenders
The Police of the city of Maïssade (Center Dept.), proceeded to the arrest of two recidivist bandits well known to the police services, for their implication in cases of rape and disappearance of victim.

They are :

Fenel Cadet (35), from Maïssade, accused of rape. He is a repeat offender who has already spent 7 years in prison for having murdered Relus Joseph.

Dorvilus Joseph (37 years old), from "B arank", accused in the disappearance of Yodi Yodilus, for about 7 years. The named Dorvilus Joseph has already spent 7 months in prison as part of an assassination attempt perpetrated on Merilien Joseph.

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