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iciHaiti - World Cup : Message of congratulations from the Consul of Haiti in Australia
27/07/2023 10:15:55

iciHaiti - World Cup : Message of congratulations from the Consul of Haiti in Australia
"Dear Members of the Haitian National Women's Team

On behalf of the Consulate of Haiti in Australia and as the Honorary Consul General of Haiti in Australia, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and deepest gratitude to the Haitian National Women's Team for their remarkable performance in their first match of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup. Your participation in this prestigious championship marks a historic moment for Haiti, and your dedication to the sport has been truly inspiring.

I would like to extend a special appreciation to Ms. Kerly THEUS, the exceptional Goalkeeper whose outstanding skills and extraordinary performance during the first match were remarkable. Her talent and unwavering commitment to the team significantly contributed to the memorable display of sportsmanship witnessed on the field.

Participating in the FIFA Women's World Cup for the first time is a significant achievement for Haitian women' football, and it reflects the progress and growth of the sport in our nation. Your representation on the global stage exemplifies the strength, determination, and unity of the Haitian people.

As you continue your journey in the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup, I wish to express my greatest support and encouragement. The Consulate and the entire Haitian community in Australia stand behind you, cheering for your success and triumph in every match.

Once again, I offer my sincerest gratitude to each Haitian National Women's Team member for your dedication, hard work, and sportsmanship. You have made us proud, and your participation in the FIFA Women's World Cup is a testament to the limitless potential of Haitian athletes.

Wishing you the best of luck and success in the upcoming matches. Let's go. Haiti!


Honorary Consul of Haiti"

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