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iciHaiti - Public Works : Breakthrough and widening of the section of road linking Bas-Limbé and Camp-Louise
26/07/2023 09:40:57

iciHaiti - Public Works : Breakthrough and widening of the section of road linking Bas-Limbé and Camp-Louise
The operations related to the road network of Bas-Limbé and Camp-Louise are activated in this month of July 2023.

The Ministry of Public Works via its Departmental Directorate of the North, is hard at work, day and night, to achieve the breakthrough and widening of the section of road linking Bas-Limbé and Camp-Louise on a length of 3.2 km.

This initiative aims to decongest the main roads in this region and make traffic much easier.

Rosemond Pradel the Minister of Public Works, says he is determined to bring a breath of fresh air to the population as part of this project, and calls on all the actors involved and committed to work more to make this section of road accessible.

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