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iciHaiti - Economy : Slight drop in fuel prices at the pump
19/07/2023 07:11:25

iciHaiti - Economy : Slight drop in fuel prices at the pump
The Ministries of Economy and Finance and Trade and Industry advise importers, distributors and consumers of petroleum products in particular that the prices in force on national territory are set as follows :

Gasoline goes from 570 Gourdes to 560 Gourdes per gallon (-1.75%), diesel from 670 to 620 Gourdes (-7.4%) and kerosene from 665 to 615 Gourdes (-7.51%). The new rates will be in effect from Thursday July 20, 2023.

Marc-André Dériphonse, President of the National Association of Service Station Owners (ANAPROSS) welcomes the Government's decision to readjust fuel prices downwards. However, he expected a much more substantial drop.

The Haitian Land Transport Sector denounces the government's decision to subtract only 10 gourdes from the price of gasoline on the local market while the price of a barrel of oil has fallen by 40% on the international market. The trade unionists Montes Joseph and Jacques Anderson Desroches of the land transport sector reject this "insignificant" reduction, considering that the reduction should be 40% according to the decree of March 9, 1995. The trade unionists give the authorities 72 hours to readjust the prices accordingly.

The Haitian Land Transport Sector denounces the government's decision to subtract only 10 gourdes from the price of gasoline on the local market while the price of a barrel of oil has fallen by 40% on the international market. The trade unionists Montes Joseph and Jacques Anderson Desroches of the land transport sector reject this "insignificant" reduction and grant 72 hours to the authorities to reduce the prices of gasoline accordingly in accordance with the decree of March 9, 1995.

In case of dissatisfaction with their claim, they plan to mobilize...

PI/ iciHaiti

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