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iciHaiti - USA : Donation of three oxygen generators
18/07/2023 09:33:13

iciHaiti - USA : Donation of three oxygen generators
On Monday, July 17, 2023, the United States Southern Command Humanitarian Assistance Program (SOUTHCOM) donated three oxygen generators to the Department of Public Health through the Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP). Let's remember that SOUTHCOM's humanitarian assistance program provides constant assistance to the Ministry of Public Health and the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC).

The Ministry of Public Health has determined that oxygen generators would be best used at the Hôpital Universitaire de la Paix, located in Delmas 33, at the Hôpital de l'Université d'Etat d'Haiti (HUEH), located at rue Monseigneur Guilloux in Port-au-Prince as well as at Saint Nicolas Hospital in Saint Marc.

These generators will be quickly put into service to meet the oxygen needs of local hospitals. The three generators are estimated to have a total value of $500,000.

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