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iciHaiti - Les Cayes : Inauguration of the medical oxygen pre-positioning center
17/07/2023 12:04:02

iciHaiti - Les Cayes : Inauguration of the medical oxygen pre-positioning center
Dr. Jean Bernard February, Departmental Health Director of the South, accompanied by representatives of FHI360 and the EPIC project, recently inaugurated the oxygen pre-positioning center in Les Cayes.

As a reminder, access to medical oxygen is essential in many cases, especially for pregnant women during and after childbirth and newborns in respiratory distress. Its administration is also essential for the treatment of hypoxemia in many communicable and non-communicable diseases and conditions, throughout life, to which the elderly in particular are exposed, including, but not exclusively, Covid-19, pneumonia, tuberculosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as situations requiring surgery, emergency care and intensive care.

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