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iciHaiti - Football : State contribution of 20 million Gourdes
12/07/2023 06:56:35

iciHaiti - Football : State contribution of 20 million Gourdes
The Haitian Football Federation (FHF) received this week a check amounting twenty million (20,000,000) Gourdes, representing the support of the State to the Grenadiers who have just participated in the Gold Cup in the United States and to the Grenadières who will defend the national colors at the next Women's World Cup in Australia-New Zealand, from July 20 to August 20.

It was Tolbert Alexis, the Chief of cabinet of the Minister of Youth and Sports (MJSAC) Mrs. Raymonde Rival who presented the check to Patrick Massenat, the Coordinator of the Federation office

"In the name of the football family, the FHF would like to thank the Haitian State, via the MJSAC, for this support to the national selections and would be grateful if the Authorities also took into account the international deadlines which are coming soon : the League of Nations of the Concacaf for the Grenadiers and the Grenadières, without forgetting our selections of young people. High budget rendezvou for the Federal Office."

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