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iciHaiti - Football : The FHF visited by two centenary clubs of the country
11/07/2023 08:52:16

iciHaiti - Football : The FHF visited by two centenary clubs of the country
The Haitian Football Federation (FHF) informs received a visit to its premises in Delmas from two leaders of the Violette Athlétique Club and the Racing Club Haïtien, two century-old clubs that constitute real heritage in sport in Haiti.

This visit was first to inquire about the news of our Grenadiers and Grenadières within the framework of their participation respectively in the Gold Cup and in the Women's World Cup, and the XXIV Center America and Caribbean Games.

During his fruitful discussions, important points relating to football were discussed with these respective clubs to keep our football alive and committed to excellence.

The standardization committee informs that during its exchanges, having discussed with the above-mentioned clubs, the need to address the process of granting club licenses.

Concerned about transparency for the good of Haitian football, the standardization committee remains open to the clubs of our dear sport to relaunch it in a spirit of dialogue, openness and tranquility in the life of our clubs and the well-being of our athletes.

The Standardization Committee while welcoming this meeting with the VAC and the RCH, renews its desire to revive Haitian football through strong and sustainable structures.

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