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iciHaiti - Education : Signing of the note of approval of the Triangular Cooperation Initiative
11/07/2023 08:08:24

iciHaiti - Education : Signing of the note of approval of the Triangular Cooperation Initiative
Yesterday Monday was signed by Fritz Deshommes, Rector of the State University of Haiti (UEH), the approval document of the Tiangulaire Cooperation Initiative entitled "Development of skills in distance and virtual training within of the UEH through continuing education".

This initiative is the result of a call for projects launched by the ADELANTE 2 component of the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Triangular Cooperation 2021-2024.

Through this training project, a core of UEH professors will benefit from the expertise in techno-pedagogy of partner universities "Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios" (UNIMINUTO) of Colombia and "Universitat de Girona" (UdG) of Spain.

The implementation of this initiative will be hybrid from July 18, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

S/ iciHaiti

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