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iciHaiti - Dom. Rep. : 23,881 Haitians, two Americans, a Honduran and a Polish expelled in June
07/07/2023 08:49:52

iciHaiti - Dom. Rep. : 23,881 Haitians, two Americans, a Honduran and a Polish expelled in June
23,881 foreigners in an irregular migratory situation have been arrested in June 2023 throughout the Dominican territory during multiple simultaneous operations, according to data from the Directorate General of Migration (DGM).

The DGM specified that during these migration control operations, 23,881 Haitians, two Americans, one Honduran and one Polish were expelled from the Dominican Republic in June 2023.

These operations have been launched in Santiago Rodríguez, Jarabacoa, Constanza, La Vega, Barahona, Pedernales, San Juan de la Maguana and Azua, among others, as well as in Bani, La Altagracia, Jimani, Elías Piña and Gran Santo Domingo...

The DGM ensures that it fulfills its mission to apply Law 285-04, without excess or abuse, recalling that the Dominican Government is also the guarantor of human rights and the integrity of foreigners in the country, regardless of immigration status.

In the same way, the DGM affirms that the authorities concerned will be implacable against the trafficking of persons, the illicit trafficking of goods and other clandestine actions, to counter these scourges on the Dominican territory and to safeguard the integrity of the country.

S/ iciHaiti

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