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iciHaiti - History : 220th anniversary of the Camp-Gérard congress
06/07/2023 10:50:44

iciHaiti - History : 220th anniversary of the Camp-Gérard congress
Less known than the Congress of Arcahaie (May 1803), the Congress of Camp Gérard nevertheless represents a decisive step in the gathering of forces destined to fight for freedom and independence. Indeed, on July 5, 1803, Jean-Jacques Dessalines met Nicolas Geffrard at Camp Gérard, thus marking the South's adherence to the freedom and independence movement.

The Ministry of Culture pays a vibrant tribute to the valiant soldiers of the Southern Peninsula, who participated in the Camp-Gérard congress on July 5, 1803. On July 5, 2023, marking the 220th anniversary of this national congress, the Ministry encourages the Haitians to come together to find a Haitian solution to the economic, socio-political and security crisis that is undermining the foundations of our Nation.

Camp-Gérard located on a small mountain near the locality of Pemerle, not far from the city of Les Cayes is considered the meeting place between the Chief of the Indigenous Army, the illustrious Jean Jacques Dessalines, and Commander Geffrard in the Plain of Les Cayes. This tete-a-tete indeed testifies to the great participation of the leaders of the South in the efforts made by our ancestors to lead to the conquest of the war of independence.

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