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iciHaiti - Digicel Foundation : Inauguration of the 191st and 192nd school
05/07/2023 08:09:13

iciHaiti - Digicel Foundation : Inauguration of the 191st and 192nd school
On June 28, 2023, the Digicel Foundation inaugurated two new schools: the National Congregational School Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours de Latibolière, in the department of Grand'Anse and the National Congregational School St-Michel de Charpentier in Les Cayes n the South Department. Bringing to 192 the total number of schools built by the Digicel Foundation in Haiti.

These two new schools each have 15 classrooms, to which are added the infrastructures necessary for the full development of these thousands of students and the proper management of staff (playground, administration, etc...) It should be noted that for these two school infrastructures, the Digiciel Foundation was able to count on the support of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

Mrs. Sophia Stransky, Executive Director of the Digicel Foundation, declared “We needed a lot of determination to carry out these projects. I would like to thank and congratulate the team and our construction firms for their commitment and their work well done. We have now built 192 schools benefiting over 62,000 students, and we remain committed to continuing to make education our priority, as we firmly believe that every child in this country deserves a chance to reach their full potential."

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