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iciHaiti - Bank : The BRH communicates on the problem SPIH and PRONAP
20/06/2023 10:05:16

iciHaiti - Bank : The BRH communicates on the problem SPIH and PRONAP
The process of taking over SPIH and PRONAP is progressing satisfactorily since the recent dysfunctions.

In a press release dated June 19, the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) informs that "the Haitian Interbank Payment System (SPIH) and the National Payment Processor (PRONAP), are experiencing a reassuring evolution since the recent malfunctions.

It is important to note that this dysfunction poses no risk to the savings of depositors in the financial system. However, the availability of funds linked to account deposits by check will have a new temporary clearing delay:

• 5 working days in the metropolitan area;

• 10 working days in provincial towns.

On the other hand, the payment service by check at the counters of the BRH remains operational as usual and the website (www.brh.ht) of the institution is functional.

The BRH recalls that international transactions (transfer order from abroad to Haiti and vice versa) via the SWFT system are executed without any interruption.

The BRH reaffirms its determination to work towards the normal resumption of banking operations, and will keep the public informed of any new developments. "

IH/ iciHaiti

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