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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Meeting around solid waste management
15/06/2023 09:45:36

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Meeting around solid waste management
At the request of the Municipal Administration of Cap-Haitien, Charles Philippe Bernoville, Head of the Partnership and External Cooperation Unit, organized a meeting to exchange information between the Executive Director of "Propublic SAM" , Joaneson Lacour, and various executives of the Town Hall of Cap-Haitien on the management of solid waste in the second city of Haiti.

Let's recall that the "Propublic SAM" is a Solid Waste Management Company in the North created as part of a public-private partnership in 2018. The Company involves the Town Halls of the Arrondissement of Cap-Haitien (Cap-Haitien, Quartier-Morin, Limonade) and private institutions including the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the North (CCIN), and the Organization for the Management of the Destination North of Haiti (OGDNH). "Propublic SAM" is the bearer of a solid waste management project financed to the tune of 35 million US dollars by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

It should be noted that the Head of Partnership and External Cooperation, Charles Philippe Bernoville, was recruited by the "Propublic SAM" in October 2022 to be Focal Point for the project in Cap-Haitien while keeping his position at the Municipal Administration.

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