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iciHaiti - PNH Hinche : Schoolchildren sensitized on juvenile delinquency
13/06/2023 10:03:09

iciHaiti - PNH Hinche : Schoolchildren sensitized on juvenile delinquency
The Departmental Directorate of the Center of the National Police of Haiti via the Brigade for the Protection of Minors (BPM) launched several days ago an awareness campaign through schools in the city of Hinche.

As part of the preventive actions aimed at combating juvenile delinquency, BPM officials have already met the students of the Collège Sacré-Coeur of Papay and those of the Collège Saint-André, respectively on Tuesday 6 and Friday 9 June, 2023.

During the awareness sessions, the police encouraged the school children to take their studies seriously, while urging them to stay on the straight and narrow so as not to fall under the law.

Several students, who participated in these awareness sessions, applauded the initiative. They say they want this campaign to reach many more schools.

Note that through this initiative, the police institution intends to sensitize and raise awareness among schoolchildren and schoolgirls from an early age on the negative consequences of delinquency on the lives of young people within Haitian society.

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