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iciHaiti - FLASH floods: Loss of human life, livestock and significant damage in Petit-Goâve
05/06/2023 07:25:47

iciHaiti - FLASH floods: Loss of human life, livestock and significant damage in Petit-Goâve
The torrential rains that fell throughout the national territory caused flooding in Petit-Goâve and caused loss of life and significant damage.

3 people died including two in Petit-Goâve and another in the countryside. Many neighborhoods are under water : part of Belle Avenue, Nan Bannann, Bas Rue Saint-Paul, Place Soulouque, Baillorde, Chabanne, Palmis Kampé, Avenue Simond's called Ti Guinen, Nan Regal, La Digue, Provence, Figaro, a part of Rue du quai (block of Customs) and part of Grand'Rue not far from Place Soulouque.

Losses of livestock have been reported, household property taken away. There are reports of devastated gardens at Palmis kampé, Chabanne, Ti Guinen, at Acul.

Houses are flooded in these same vulnerable areas : Palmis kampé, chabanne, Cité Soulouque, Bas Rue Saint, Paul, Avenue Simond's, Nan Bannann.

More than 300 families are affected in the city center and on the outskirts of Petit-Goâve.

Road infrastructures are damaged : the Belle Avenue Gabionnage is destroyed; the Place Soulouque is totally devastated; part of national road #2 at Baïlorde, de Chabanne has become impassable; the road to Palmis kampé and that of Guinen, Ti Guinen and Nan Bannann are covered with water and alluvium.

On the side of Pont La Digue and Provence, the situation is catastrophic. Not only have the waters penetrated the houses of local residents, but also the rivers of La Digue and Provence are in flood...

The people affected need help, i.e. basic necessities and clothing.

A rapid intervention of the authorities at the level of the national road #2, in Chabanne, Palmis kampé, in Ti Guinen, at the bottom of the Rue Saint-Paul is necessary.

IH/ iciHaiti / Guyto Mathieu (Petit-Goâve correspondent)

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