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iciHaiti - Sports : Haiti at the world games «Special Olympics, Berlin 2023»
31/05/2023 09:21:38

iciHaiti - Sports : Haiti at the world games «Special Olympics, Berlin 2023»
From June 16 to 26 in Berlin (Germany) 6 Haitian athletes will represent our bicolor at the 16th "Special Olympics Berlin 2023" games, games dedicated to athletes with intellectual disabilities.

Let's remember that the "Special Olympics World Games" are the largest inclusive sporting event in the world. Nearly 7,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities, from around 170 countries, will be competing for 9 days in 26 sports disciplines.

Haitian athletes selected for the Special Olympics Berlin 2023:

Athletics (X3):
(Estimated number of participating athletes: 750)
Renia Joseph;
Christine Paul;
Widjmy Charles.

Riding (X2):
(Estimated number of participating athletes: 127)
Darlene Milord,
Ketia Jean Louis

Table tennis (X1) (Ping pong):
(Estimated number of participating athletes: 196 + 38 unified partners)
Genet Ducame.

Download the competition program: https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/230509-b23-time-table-no-training-rgb-en.pdf

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