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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Erol Josué in show-restitution
28/05/2023 10:03:09

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Erol Josué in show-restitution
The artist and Hougan (Voodoo priest) Erol Josué Director General of the National Bureau of Ethnology (BNE), shared the stage with the Compagnie 21 Nanchon, which works on the safeguarding and enhancement of traditional dances and sacred songs of Voodoo, the ancestral heart of the BNE.

The show-restitution entitled "Ochan Pou Jeneral" was a complete set where the enhancement of traditional dances and costumes formed a melting pot where science and the stage merged to give birth to a sublime ethnoscenology.

In fact, the costumes https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-38788-icihaiti-heritage-year-inventory-of-costumes-of-haiti.html and the dance that is part of this show remain consistent not only to the mission of the BNE but also to the artistic journey of the artist Érol Josué who saw his project "Pelerinaj" nominated 7th best world album by the Chart Musique in Europe https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38151-haiti-news-zapping.html

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