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iciHaiti - «D-6» School census : 14,767 schools already registered
06/05/2023 10:31:39

iciHaiti - «D-6» School census : 14,767 schools already registered
6 days before the expiry of the extension period for latecomers (public and private) schools for the compulsory online school census, 14,767 schools have made their declaration, an essential step to renew the school's operating permit, obtain the accreditation and being able to register students for the official examinations of the 9th fundamental year https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-39377-icihaiti-school-census-2023-nearly-75-of-schools-in-haiti-already-registered.html

It should be recalled that in order to take into account several requests made by certain School Directors to complete the formalities online, the Ministry has decided to extend the deadline for the declaration of schools until Friday, May 12, 2023, and to Monday May 15, 2023 the one for the online registration of candidates for the 9th A.F. exams

To declare a school online : https://sigeee.menfp.gouv.ht/declaration-ecole/

If a school has difficulty filling out the online form, it can seek assistance from the School District Offices (BDS) and/or the Departmental Education Directorates (DDE).

Number of schools identified by department, as of May 5, 2023:
West: 5,307 schools
Artibonite: 2,155 schools
North: 1,500 schools
Center: 1,346 schools
North West: 968 schools
South: 881 schools
Southeast: 883 schools
Nippes: 627 schools
Grand Anse: 588 schools
North-East: 512 schools

Total: 14,767 schools

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