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iciHaiti - Security : PNH offensive on several fronts
01/05/2023 10:09:43

iciHaiti - Security : PNH offensive on several fronts
After the virtual dismantling of the "Ti Makak" gang which operated in Laboule and Thomassin, commune of Pétion-ville https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-39384-haiti-flash-the-dangerous-gang-leader-ti-makak-killed-by-the-police.html , the Commander-in-Chief a.i. Frantz Elbé has intensified operations to dismantle all the hotbeds of gangs that terrorize the population.

Recall that in June 2021 the National Police of Haiti (PNH) had already announced the dismantling of this gang https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34073-haiti-insecurity-the-pnh-dismantles-the-gang-makak-in-laboule-12.html which had ended up being reconstituted…

These operations were mainly targeted at the Village de Dieu, Grande Ravine, Savanna Pistache, Dyèg, Meyotte, Pernier, Tabarre etc… but also at the northern entrance to the capital, Canaan, ONA Ville, Source Matelas and in the department of the Artibonite.

Today, the Police are once again asking the public to remain vigilant and to continue to cooperate with the police, sharing all the information they have with law enforcement.

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