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iciHaiti - Santiago : The Consul General of Haiti requests greater collaboration from the Dominican authorities
25/04/2023 11:44:59

iciHaiti - Santiago : The Consul General of Haiti requests greater collaboration from the Dominican authorities
Jean Gardy Marius, the Consul General of Haiti in Santiago in the Dominican Republic recalled that his team was carrying out operations in the bateyes and in different areas of Cibao to document Haitian citizens. The Consulate requests all the required permits from the corresponding authorities who sometimes refuse to respond to requests, which is why it asks the Dominican authorities for greater collaboration.

The Consul General of Haiti in Santiago stresses that he is working to change the image of his Consulate, which is the largest of all those that Haiti has in the Dominican Republic, citing as an example the rapid delivery of official Haitian documents (passports, CIN...) which accelerates a situation which previously lasted several months.

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