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iciHaiti: Training : Art Center photography course, registration and scholarship application
21/04/2023 11:24:33

iciHaiti: Training : Art Center photography course, registration and scholarship application
Opening of registrations for the second session 2023.

Terms of admission : registration fee (500 gourdes) + participation fee (12,000 gourdes) 50% of the amount is required during registration.

Download registration form : https://www.lecentredart.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Inscription-webform.docx

Registrations will be received from April 25 until May 6, 2023

Scholarship request :
Terms for scholarship applications: registration fees (500 gourdes) + five (5) photos taken by the applicant + the completed scholarship application form. Those who apply for a scholarship must send the required photos to the email address contact@lecentredart.org, in a single file with their name mentioned and must be available for an interview with the jurors who are responsible for evaluating their files.

Download the scholarship application form : https://www.lecentredart.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Bourse-webform.docx

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Interested parties have until April 29, 2023 to submit their applications. They should start sending them from April 25.

Send your file by email to contact@lecentredart.org or drop it off at the Centre d’Art #58, rue Roy, Port-au-Prince from April 26, 2023.

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