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iciHaiti - Environment : First thematic table on water for the year 2023
12/04/2023 10:37:50

iciHaiti - Environment : First thematic table on water for the year 2023
The Ministry of the Environment, through the Department of Water Resources (DRE), carried out at the Campus Henry Christophe de Limonade (North Dept.), its first Thematic Table on Water for the year 2023.

This meeting brought together several stakeholders, including the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA), researchers interested in the theme of water and members of civil society organizations in the far north.

This first Thematic Table on Water is a structure that aims to mobilize the various actors at the national level and create a space for dialogue around the issue of water. It is also a mechanism for mobilizing funds that can facilitate reasonable and equitable management and use of water resources, while increasing its availability in the fifteen watersheds targeted in the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Haiti.

During this event, the discussions focused in particular on the need to :

  • Make operational the National Institute of Water Resources (INARHY);
  • Ensure the promotion and popularization of the National Hydraulic and Sanitation Plan (PHAN);
  • Accelerate the development of international cooperation on the theme of water;
  • Update and centralize scientific and statistical data on Water Resources;
  • Develop a Strategic Plan for the Protection of Critical Perimeters of Springs and promote innovative ecological projects such as the treatment and recycling of wastewater, the installation of solar pumping systems for irrigation with a view to mastering technologies news in use in the field of water, desalination of sea water, cloud seeding, etc...

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