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iciHaiti - Arts : Call for participation, launch of the CDA workshop
07/04/2023 10:48:06

iciHaiti - Arts : Call for participation, launch of the CDA workshop
From April 25, 2023, the Centre d’Art (CDA) will launch a workshop which will bring together, under the artistic direction of Mario Benjamin, artists who practice traditional artistic techniques (painting, engraving, sculpture, etc...) and new disciplines linked to new technologies (photography, videography, digital art, etc...)

Depending on the projects to be developed, the workshop will call on various technical skills, both national and international: model makers, architects, civil engineers, sound engineers, computer and multimedia engineers, electronics engineers, carpenters, welders, among others.

These skills will assist the artists of the workshop in their creations, through cross-residencies short stays / long periods (4 months)

Mario Benjamin will propose to develop in collaboration with these artists and technicians a creative workshop (new media).

Eligibility and conditions of participation :
• Have an experience of at least 5 to 10 years in the visual arts sector;
• Have participated in at least one group exhibition;
• Have participated in a collective creation project

File to submit :
• The completed application form Download the form: https://www.lecentredart.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Formulaire.docx
• A copy of a valid identity document;
• A portfolio or photos of at least 5 works;
• Proof of participation in exhibitions and collective creative projects;
• A short biography.

Indicative timetable :
• Distribution of the call for participation: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
• Final selection: April 20, 2023
• Beginning of the workshop: April 25, 2023

Contacts for information requests and applications :
Complete files must be sent in electronic version before April 19 to by email : direction@lecentredart.org and contact@lecentredart.org
or be deposited in hard copy at the Centre d’Art : 58 rue Roy (Port-au-Prince)

Deadline for submission of complete applications : April 18, 2023

For more information applicants can send an email to
communication@lecentredart.org or call +509 48 41 42 31

Learn more about Mario Benjamin :
Mario Benjamin, a native of Port-au-Prince (May 12, 1964), began painting at the age of 14. From his first exhibition, at the Festival Arts gallery in Lalue, in 1984, he sold all his paintings. His style is then hyperrealist, favoring close-up portraits and insisting on the gaze. Shortly after, he operated a reversal, deconstructing the symmetry and harmony of his paintings, driven by the requirement to find his own language.

Leader of contemporary art and pioneer of performance in Haiti, Mario Benjamin is known internationally. His artistic residencies, among others, take him to Europe, Asia and America. He regularly represents Haiti in many prestigious biennials

In 2015, he participated in the inauguration of the Memorial Act in Guadeloupe. His work representing Toussaint, Dessalines, Christophe is part of the permanent collection of the museum in Point-à-Pitre.

Mario Benjamin lives and works in Haiti.

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