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iciHaiti - Cooperation : Meeting between FAO and the Ministry of the Environment
03/04/2023 09:47:55

iciHaiti - Cooperation : Meeting between FAO and the Ministry of the Environment
José Luis Fernandez, the Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - Haiti) met with James Cadet, the Minister of the Environment, around the partnership between the Ministry of Environment and FAO, and the strengthening of this collaboration.

They discussed, among other things, the operationalization of germplasm centers ; climate change; the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility, land degradation and strengthening the resilience of vulnerable farmers in southern Haiti.

FAO is committed to continuing its support for the efforts of the Ministry of the Environment for the conservation and management of natural resources, the fight against climate change and the improvement of food security.

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