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iciHaiti - Environment : A Haitian delegation in Chile
30/03/2023 10:30:28

iciHaiti - Environment : A Haitian delegation in Chile
A Haitian delegation of 5 people participates on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment in the "NAP EXPO 2023", which takes place from March 27 to 30, 2023, in Santiago (Chile).

This year's event, with a focus on scaling up adaptation, aims to pursue global outcomes intended to increase the scope and depth of climate change adaptation actions.

"NAP EXPO 2023" also aims to facilitate interaction between national teams of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and representatives of the Adaptation Fund, the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate Fund, United Nations agencies and other international organizations.

Haiti participates in the event with the aim of sharing its experiences, its best practices and especially the lessons learned from the process of carrying out the National Adaptation Plan of Haiti. The delegation will also take the opportunity to learn from other parties, especially from the phase of mobilizing the necessary financial resources that can help Haiti implement its NAP. Delegation members will also participate in specialized meetings and workshops with stakeholders to advance the formulation and implementation of NAPs.

Remember that the "NAP Expo" is an awareness-raising event organized by the group of experts from the least developed countries in collaboration with the bodies and organizations concerned. It promotes the exchange of experiences and the promotion of partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders and non-parties on how to take the NAPs forward.

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