Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Elections : The OAS continues its engagement with Haiti and the Venice Commission

Haiti - Security : PNH destroys all roadblocks and reopens RN#8 (Video)

Haiti - FLASH : League of Nations, Haiti victory over Puerto Rico [1-4] (Video)

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaïti -Health : Towards the resumption of activities at the «Isaïe Jeanty and Léon Audain» maternity hospital (Chancerelles)

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iciHaiti - Security : Anthony Blinken spoke with Rameau Normil, DG of the PNH

iciHaiti - WHO/PAHO : Emergency response in 41 displaced sites

iciHaïti - CNE : Provisional inventory of equipment that will be handed over to the FAd’H

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iciHaiti - Foot : 6 to 8 weeks of unavailability for the Grenadière Sherly Jeudy
02/03/2023 09:06:07

iciHaiti - Foot : 6 to 8 weeks of unavailability for the Grenadière Sherly Jeudy
On Wednesday March 1st, 2023, following a magnetic scanner (MRI), the nature of the injury and the duration of Sherly Jeudy's unavailability revealed that she is suffering from a partial rupture of the internal lateral ligament of her right knee.

Severely affected in the 65' during the final against Chile devoting the qualification of Haiti [2-1] for the FIFA Women's World Cup https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38910-haiti-flash-haiti-qualified-for-the-women-s-world-cup-after-its-victory-[2-1]-against-chile-video.html the player from Grenoble Foot38 will stay out of the field for 6 to 8 weeks where she will be cared for; she already wears an articulated knee brace to this injured part of her leg.

She should find her club teammates at the beginning of May, to end the season and then resume her activities with the Haitian team for the preparation of this year's Australia-New Zealand Women's World Cup. https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-38927-icihaiti-world-cup-the-planning-is-already-launched-with-fifa.html

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