
iciHaiti - Hinche : 5 bandits arrested 28/02/2023 09:24:24
The past weekend, as part of operation "Tornado 1", the National Police of Haiti (PNH), proceeded to the arrest in the city of Hinche (Center Dept.), of 5 individuals, for their implications in various criminal acts, these are :
Brutis Djimy (18 years old), from Cap-Haitien accused of theft ;
Wakine Testama, aged (26), originally from the Commune of Cerca-la-Source, accused of kidnapping of a minor ;
Dieuferne Lubrun (25) ;
Metelène Lubrun (33) and Jacob Élius (63 years old), arrested in the locality "Bwa Mare" for their alleged involvement in the assassination of Dr Pierre Élie (45)
IH/ iciHaiti