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iciHaiti - Diaspora Canada : Tribute from the Embassy of Haiti to Josette Paul
17/02/2023 09:18:46

iciHaiti - Diaspora Canada : Tribute from the Embassy of Haiti to Josette Paul
The Embassy of Haiti in Canada again this year pays tribute to those who, because of their respective backgrounds and the contribution they have made to the advancement of Haitian communities in the various provinces of Canada, while projecting a positive image of Haiti received the 2022 distinction from the Embassy.

Tribute to Josette Paul from the restaurant "Créole Sensations" :
"Créole Sensations is a pretty little restaurant created in January 2012 on the initiative of a professional in the field, Ms. Josette Paul.

Currently located at the intersection of Montreal and Ogilvie roads, in Ottawa, this restaurant makes a definite contribution to the influence of Haitian cuisine in Ottawa. Créole sensations is a healthy, quality cuisine, a pleasant and attractive environment. The menu is exclusively Haitian, varied, balanced and suitable for all tastes.

Ms. Josette Paul intends to do things differently by bringing to the management of her restaurant her dual training as a chef and business manager in the hotel and restaurant sector. With her 20 years of experience gained in food services for various Canadian institutions and businesses, she is well equipped to succeed.

Thanks to its thoroughness, perseverance and the loyalty of its customers, the company has survived the hard test of the two years of confinement of COVID 19 and today looks to the future with optimism."

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