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iciHaiti - International refereeing : Towards the 1st physical test session for official FIFA referees in Haiti
03/02/2023 08:58:05

iciHaiti - International refereeing : Towards the 1st physical test session for official FIFA referees in Haiti
As a prelude to the first of four annual physical testing sessions for official FIFA referees during the month of February, our Haitian international referees were last week at Park Ste Thérèse in Pétion-ville for a preliminary evaluation under the direction of physical trainer Coissi Toussaint.

With the exception of Patrick Sénecharles, resident of the department of Nippes, forced to give up his trip to the Haitian capital due to insecurity on the roads, the four other Haitian international officials of the arbitration : Carl Henry Elie, Smeedy Saint-Jean, Falone Dieurismé and Jean Marc Moreau, had put on their shoes to be evaluated by Toussaint Coissi, who believes that with the state of shape observed, these officials should have no difficulty in passing the official physical tests that will organize FIFA envoys in the coming days.

Lt's remember that official FIFA referees must undergo 4 physical tests annually during the months of February, May, August and November.

With the many football meetings in our confederation, relating to the three divisions of the League of Nations and the Concacaf Champions League, the international referees of Haiti must do their best to show great form in the hope of new summonses from the Concacaf Referees Committee as was the case in 2022.

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