
iciHaiti - France : Launch of the 2022-2023 Short Story Contest 29/01/2023 08:23:17
The Association of "Village du Livre", of Cuisery (Saône et Loire, France) is launching its annual short story competition, open to all French-speaking authors for the period 2022-2023.
This year, the members of the Jury chose the theme "In spite of common sense..." for what it represents of challenge, of invitation to recognize and get out of the usual order of things.
For more information, how to participate, registration form, and contact information: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS% 3A8973c1aa-8e70-44e2-a40d-0d4ca1dc8152&viewer%21megaVerb=group-discover
Or on the Association’s website : https://cuisery-villagedulivre.com/concours-de-nouvelles/concours-de-nouvelles-2022/
Deadline : Short story must reach the Secretariat of the Village du Livre no later than March 31, 2023.
IH/ iciHaiti