
iciHaiti - Infrastructure : Public works work tirelessly 30/12/2022 09:29:21
The execution of several works continues in the metropolitan area.
Mechanical cleaning continues at Clercine, Ravine Pintade and Portail Léogâne.
The rehabilitation in bituminous concrete at the Blvd Toussaint Louverture not far from the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DDCPJ) is progressing rapidly https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-38465-icihaiti-tabarreasphalt-concrete-surfacing-of-clercine-12-road.html
Pothole patching operations are carried out in several places both in Clercine and in Pétion-ville.
On the road to Maïs Gâté, reprofiling works are in the final phase while those of purging and backfilling have started on the Ave Matin Luther King.
At road Baussan and of Marguerites in Turgeau, these same activities are also underway.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti